Association Partner
Malaysian Chamber of Mines
The Malaysian Chamber of Mines is the only Chamber in this country established by an Act of Parliament. On 10 December 1914, the Chamber was formally incorporated under the Federated Malay States Chamber of Mines Incorporation Enactment No. 25 of 1914.
On 8 September 1988, the States of Malaya Chamber of Mines Incorporation (Amendment) Act was gazetted to give effect to a change of name from the previous States of Malaya Chamber of Mines to the present Malaysian Chamber of Mines.
On the same day, the then Minister of Primary Industries, in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 15 of the Act, gazetted several amendments to the Chamber’s By-Laws. These were to streamline the management and administration of the Chamber’s affairs in order to keep-up with the prevailing changed circumstances in the mining industry. These amendments were gazetted in the Federal Government Gazette on 6 April 1989 vide Act 367.
It is the oldest Chamber of its kind in the country.